Visualize History and Performance Evolution

How to visualize progress and RPE over time.

How to Visualize Progress

At present, Vitruve Athlete analyzes progress through the evolution of estimated 1RM for each exercise over time. The data displayed represents the highest 1RM achieved during each session.

If the RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) setting is enabled in the training session, any RPE data entered after the session will also appear in each row.

Only exercises with l-v profile for which the 1RM has been estimated during training will appear on the chart. If you review the training history but do not see data on the bar chart, it is either because an l-v profile did not exist or was not established for that exercise at the time it was performed, or because the 1RM filter was activated for that session.


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Exercise History

If you have completed two different workouts of the same exercise on the same day (for example, a morning session and an afternoon session), they will appear together under the same day in the records or history.

Below the bar chart, you can view the historical data per session for the selected exercise.

To see the details of the repetitions and sets performed in that exercise, simply click on the day you wish to view.

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How to delete or edit history data

  • In iOS swipe left on the row you want to delete or edit.
  • On Android, press and hold on the row you want to delete or edit.

You can only delete records and edit the RPE, you cannot edit any repeat already made.
As for the set, you can add or edit comments by holding down the set title.