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  2. Vitruve Athlete App
  3. Starting a New Training with Vitruve Athlete

Workout Settings

This section has everything related to the workout settings gear icon.


  • Workout Settings (Inside the Gear).  When click on the gear you will go to a new screen with 2 buttons "Training settings" and "Filters".
    • Training Settings.  All the activated settings will be shown in the main screen. Each one has its own ICON:
      Untitled (6) 
      • Feedback: Auditive feedback for the main metric. When Enabling it the ipad/iphone will tell the main metric in loud. Be sure to have the phone audio activated.
      • Fatigue: Both fatigues are measured in percentage, which means: a percentage of velocity loss. Activate the sound mode of your phone (left tab on iPhone) and turn up the multimedia volume. Go to “New Training” and click on the Settings icon. Activate “Auditory Feedback”. A voice will be reading your results in each rep.

        • In the case of intra series velocity, it refers to the velocity loss that occurs within the same series, from the first or fastest repetition to the slowest. Having it enabled allows the app to warn us with a beep when we reach the desired fatigue.

        • Regarding fatigue between series, it refers to the loss of velocity that occurs from the fastest to the slowest series of the whole training.

      • Velocity-Zones: Instead of using fatigue Velocity-Zones can be used. This allows you to set up an upper and/or lower velocity triggers. When activating both of them we set what is known as Velocity-Zone. When any rep goes above the zone, the bar will appear in green color and the app will beep. The same happens when the velocity is below the zone.

        • Be sure the ENABLE it and then SAVE it.
      • Rest: This is a countdown that will get activated after finishing each set to let you know when to start lifting again.
      • Countdown:  If the countdown is active, the encoder will not record any reps. It is useful when doing pull-ups because you need to place yourself in the right spot.
      • Eccentric: When activating it both Concentric and Eccentric phases will be shown.
      • Automations:

        • Enable automation: This comes activated by default with the app. When it is activated there is no need to click on "Start Set" button before each rep.
        • Disable automation: You can make the set to finish automatically after a certain amount of time without doing any reps.
      • Metrics: Select main and secondary metrics in your training.

        In this particular image, the principal metric is MVP, and the secondary metrics are fatigue, peak velocity and ROM

        Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 11.15.35
      • RPE: When activated, after finishing a workout a window will show to enter the RPE of the entire session.
    • Filters: Note that both filters can be applied per exercise.
      • ROM Filter: The ROM (Range of Motion) filter eliminates unwanted repetitions or movements, such as removing the bar from the rack or taking several steps back, from being counted. For instance, squats are initially set at a 20cm threshold, so any movements below this threshold are disregarded. However, you can customize this value by accessing "Settings" before starting your workout.
        You should never touch this unless the encoder is missing reps or showing ghost reps. Everything below this distance will be discarded.It has different uses:
        • To discard movements like un-racking the barbell from the rack. 
        • To break down a complex movement and only measure the part you are interested in:
          • Clean: Lets say you just want to measure the clean movement and not the squat performed after the clean. You should take a look to the range of motion of the squat and you should adjust the Filter a little higher than this range of motion. This way it will only measure the clean because it is above the filter.
      • 1RM Filter: With light weights or very high velocities the 1RM estimation is not accurate.Adjusting the filter to medium or low velocities will make the app to only estimate the 1RM when a velocity is below the filter, making the estimation very accurate.

Note: Enabling options like fatigue, feedback, rest time will display icons on the bottom right of the exercise screen. See picture.