General details and measurement system
Athlete profile details
- Profile Photo: You can change it by clicking on the picture
- Email: You cannot change it from here. If you want to change it, please contact us in the contact section or through the chat at the bottom right of the page.
- Body Weight: You can change it by clicking on "Edit"
- Height: You can change it by clicking on "Edit"
- ROM Filter: You can change it by clicking on the row.
- 1RM Filter: You can change it by clicking on the row.
- User ID: This ID is used to integrate your athlete profile into an organization. See how to invite athletes in Vitruve Teams.
Account Settings
General Settings
- Measurement System
- Velocity Main Metric: Change between Mean Propulsive Velocity (MPV) and Mean Velocity (MV). This will be the metric used in the app everywhere we use the mean velocity.
- Delete Account: Delete your account and all data permanently.
Caution: This action can't be undone