- Vitruve Support
- Troubleshooting
Vitruve Encoder
Vitruve Teams App
- Download and Account Management for Vitruve Teams
- Connecting the Encoder to Vitruve Teams
- Athlete Management (add, edit, delete, invite)
- Exercises Management in Vitruve Teams (add, edit, delete)
- Teams/Groups Management (add, edit, delete)
- Start a New Training in Vitruve Teams
- Create a Load-Velocity Profile in Vitruve Teams
- Create and Fill a Wellness Questionnaire
- Real-Time Leaderboards
- History and Progress in Vitruve Teams
- Settings
Vitruve Athlete App
Orders and Shipping
Reporting a Hardware Problem
Get help if you experience any issues with your products (breakage, malfunctions, etc).
Is your device malfunctioning or broken? Open a ticket with us in the chat below, and we will respond within 24 hours.