Metrics Calculated by Vitruve

The metrics available vary depending on whether you are utilizing the Vitruve app or the Vitruve Teams app.

For Vitruve app, these are the available metrics:

  • Mean concentric propulsive velocity (m/s)
      • Mean velocity of the propulsion phase. Breaking phase is not used.
  • Mean concentric and eccentric velocity (m/s)
  • Peak concentric and eccentric velocity (m/s)
  • Concentric and eccentric range of motion (metric or imperial)
  • Mean Acceleration (m/s²)
  • Peak Acceleration (m/s²)
  • Mean concentric and eccentric Force (N)
    • F = mass * acceleration.  In Vitruve app  mean F = mass (Weight added in the app) * mean acceleration
  • Peak concentric and eccentric Force (N)
    • F = mass * acceleration.  In Vitruve app  peak F = mass (Weight added in the app) * peak acceleration
  • Mean concentric and eccentric Power (W)
    • Power = Force * Velocity .  In Vitruve app mean Power = mean Force * mean velocity
  • Peak concentric and eccentric Power (W)
    • Power = Force * Velocity .  In Vitruve app peak Power = peak Force * peak velocity
  • Set average velocity (m/s)
    • It is the average of all the mean concentric velocities of the each rep within a set.
  • Estimated 1RM (metric or imperial)
    • It is estimated by using a load-velocity profile.
  • Set fatigue (velocity loss)
    • The % difference between the fastest rep of the set and the actual rep calculates fatigue.
  • Time to Peak Velocity (m/s)
    • Elapsed time until peak velocity is reached.
  • Acceleration index (m/s²)
    • Read this blog post to understand it:
  • Dynamic Isometric Strength (m/s²)
    • Read this blog post to understand it:

The Vitruve Teams app provides the same metrics, and when exporting data, it includes Mean and Peak Acceleration.

As previously mentioned, we are updating the Vitruve app to include the same metrics available in the Vitruve Teams app.