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  2. Vitruve Teams App
  3. Create a Load-Velocity Profile in Vitruve Teams

Creating a Load-Velocity Profile for Multiple Athletes

In this section, you'll learn how to create a load-velocity profile with your athletes in the Teams App.

  1. Go to Tests by pressing the first icon starting from the left on the bottom navigation bar.
  2. Select the "Load-Velocity" tab.
  3. Press the “Selection +” option on the top right to choose an athlete (or a group of athletes), and press “Continue”.
  4. Select the exercise by tapping on its name.
  5. Here you will see the L-V profile for each athlete if available.

Create a New Load-Velocity Profile

To create a new equation:

  1. press the “+”, and “continue with encoder”.
  2. Press “Continue”.
  3. Select the main metric you would like to use.
    1. MPV/MV: for regular movements like bench press or squats.
    2. Peak Velocity: for Olympic lifts or weighted jumps.
  4. Perform a test consisting of 4 sets of 2-3 reps with the following weights:
    1. Very light weight (50-60% of your 1RM)
    2. Light weight (60-70% of your 1RM)
    3. Medium weight (70-80% of your 1RM)
    4. Heavy weight (80-90% of your 1RM)
  5. To introduce the velocity of the 1RM in the last row (the most important velocity for an L-V profile, as it will determine your 1RM), follow these steps:
    1. Check if it's already set: The 1RM velocity may already be introduced for main exercises studied in scientific research, such as squats, bench press, or deadlifts.
    2. Copy the 1RM velocity from a similar scientifically studied exercise (recommended): For example, you could use the same 1RM velocity for a high bar squat as for a safety bar squat, although not perfectly accurate.
    3. Take a test to find out this velocity: Lift your 1RM or perform an nRM test and record the velocity of the last rep before failure.

When completed, a new equation will have been created. It must achieve at least a "nearly perfect" accuracy level (0.98) for precise results. If you receive a subpar or improvable equation, we advise repeating the test until it achieves nearly perfect accuracy. Patience may be required 😃.