Creating a Load Velocity-Profile

In this article you will learn how to create a LV Profile or 1RM equation, to estimate your 1RM and evaluate your progress over time,

Go to the Load-Velocity screen by clicking on the bottom left icon:

Load velocity.PNG

Here, you just need to choose the exercise you want, by clicking on the exercise name.
After doing so, if the exercise has any LV Profile created it will show the equation graph.

select exercise

This graph is a relation between the velocity and the weight lifted. The higher the load, the lower the velocity, and this relationship has almost a 100% correlation.

  • This means that if we create an individual profile for an exercise, we will be able to estimate the 1RM during the warm up, with a light or medium weight.
  • By repeating this test every few months you can see in which areas (light, medium or heavy) you are improving more. If your workout is efective, you should be able to lift faster the same loads.

This are the steps you need to follow to create a good Load-Velocity Profile:

  • Press the "+" button in the top right of the app and you will go to this screen: Start new test
  • Click on "CONTINUE WITH ENCODER". You can also create a LV Profile by using the camera of your phone, but if you have an encoder it is much better and more accurate to use the encoder.
    • If for any reason you want to create a LV Profile with the VBT cam, click on the "i" icon to learn how to use it. 
  • You will need to go to this screen. You just need to perform 4 different incremental loads.
    • It is a good idea to start with a weight close to the 50% of your 1RM and finish with a weight close to the 75-90% of the 1RM. You should.
    • You must be fully recovered before each attempt.
    • On each attempt perform 2-3 reps because sometimes the second rep is the fastest one.
    • Once you perform the 4 attempts you will have your 1RM estimated and you will also see a number that goes from 0-1. The app will tell you if the profile is a good profile or not, if not, you should repeat it.
    • Why could the profile be innacurate or wrong?
      • This happens when the dots do not create a perfect line. This means that you did not lifted as fast as you could every single load. Try to repeat it by focusing on lifting as fast as possible.