ROM Filter
The ROM (Range of Motion) filter eliminates unwanted repetitions or movements, such as removing the bar from the rack or taking several steps back, from being counted. For instance, squats are initially set at a 7.87in/20cm threshold, so any movements below this threshold are disregarded.
You should never touch this unless the encoder is missing reps or showing ghost reps. Everything below this distance will be discarded. It has different uses:
- To discard movements like unracking the barbell from the rack.
- To isolate and measure specific parts of a complex movement; for instance, in a Power Clean, you may adjust the filter slightly above the range of motion of the squat to measure only the clean movement and exclude the subsequent squat.
1RM Filter
The 1RM Filter is a feature designed to discard 1RM estimates with loads that are not indicated for estimation.
We believe that a load is not suitable for 1RM estimation when it is a lighter load than the lightest load that was used when the l-v profile was created for that exercise.
That is, if you created your profile with loads between 70%RM and 90%RM, try to estimate your daily 1RM with loads between 70-90%RM, since if you try to estimate it with 50%RM for example, the estimate will be very inaccurate.
In VBT this translates into velocities, i.e.: if for an exercise you have an l-v profile with velocities between 0.65m/s and 0.18m/s, the RM filter will be set to 0.65m/s so that all repetitions with a higher velocity will not be used for the estimation of the 1RM.
However, you can modify this filter at any time and set it to your liking.